Economy and Policy
Useful Byproducts From Coffee Roasting
Coffee is the second most valuable commodity in the world after oil. This $100-billion-dollar-a-year industry plays a major role in the global economy. It also has a significant impact on the environment. Processing coffee produces more than 2 billion tons of byproducts annually.
Renewable Energy And Jobs
There is no doubt that the renewable energy industry is booming. Renewable energy sources are seen as the primary and best way to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and other forms of environmental pollution that threaten human health and the world’s ecosystems. For this reason, investment in and deployment of renewable energy has been an area of tremendous growth.
Good News On Ozone
In 1985, scientists discovered a hole in the earth’s ozone layer over Antarctica. By 1987, the hole had increased to the size of the continental United States. Ozone, a modified form of oxygen, is present in only small amounts in the stratosphere, but performs a crucial function to life on earth. It absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation, protecting humans and other forms of life from skin cancer, cataracts, and immune system deficiencies.
Reducing Food Waste
Wasted food is one of the greatest economic and environmental problems in the world today. According to a United Nations study, one-third of the world’s food winds up spoiled, rotting in fields, or is thrown away. This amounts to 1.3 billion tons of food wasted annually while at the same time nearly 900 million people around the world go hungry every day.
Trade And Trees
Debate about the Trans-Pacific Partnership overlooks an unintended consequence of increased trade with Asia – the assault on America’s trees.
Carbon Taxes And Canada
Economists around the world are recommending that we move towards systems that reward low-carbon, innovative, resource-efficient production. One way this is likely to happen is through carbon taxes: directly taxing for fossil fuel use and carbon emissions.
Texas Wind Power