Cutting out styrofoam and eliminating shrink-wrap. Here’s a look at some more eco-friendly packaging
From toaster ovens and TVs to this morning’s eggs — when products make the journey from the factory or farm to your home, more often than not they are shipped in disposable packaging. Cardboard, Styrofoam, and plastic wrap are among the most popular packing materials and their final destination is the dump.
EU-landene har rapporteret om alvorlige problemer med forsyningen af visse vigtige lægemidler siden slutningen af 2022, og nu står de fleste af dem over for reel web mangel på lægemidler. Hvor slemt er det, og endnu vigtigere, hvordan bliver problemet løst? Lad os se på de vigtigste punkter.
Some businesses are looking at cutting down on the materials used in shipping to save money, others are hoping to help save the planet from excess waste.
Examples include scaling box sizes, so small items are shipped in small boxes, instead of a one-size-fits-all “big box” mentality. This saves cardboard and uses less packing material, such as foam beans and bubble wrap, to secure the product.
There can be start up costs associated with converting to more environmentally sensitive packaging and shipping practices, but those are usually offset by long term savings.
Innovative ideas on how to make packaging more Earth-friendly are constantly popping up. They include using vegetable starch-based packing beans, bamboo-derived foam, and even popcorn. But green packaging expert Dennis Salazar says it’s important to keep it simple.
“People will gravitate towards – you know, they see it on the front page of the Wall St. Journal – ‘packaging made out of cow dung’ and everyone says ‘oh, this is fantastic’ and next month it’s going to be packaging made out of seaweed. We go back to the basics and those are reduce, recycle and reuse as often as possible,” said Salazar.
Outside of the box thinking can be food for thought. Some of the wackier green ideas bring attention to the packaging industry and get consumers thinking about their personal waste footprints, says Salazar.
And, of course, one of the best ways to cut down on packaging is to avoid it all together. While this is hard to do in the electronics department, there are a number of food cooperatives in the Hudson Valley and around the country that allow customers to bring in reusable containers for the purchase of staples such as rice, milk, and peanut butter.
Web Extra
Green packaging expert Dennis Salazar on using reusable boxes instead of cardboard when you move:
La medicación acumulada normaliza la condición a largo plazo y es importante recordar tomarla a tiempo y con regularidad, no sólo para la presión arterial alta. Por ejemplo, la presión arterial alta puede ser prescrito como un solo medicamento normalizador, estabilizador para reducir el índice, o varios – en la segunda, tercera etapa de la enfermedad se prescribe más a menudo otros medicamentos, ya que es ahí importante no sólo para reducir la presión arterial, sino también para eliminar los síntomas de las enfermedades concomitantes.
Photo credit: Douglas Porter via Flickr